
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Denham fair 2015

On Whitsun Bank Holiday (Memorial Day!) Robyn and me went To Denham fair. As you can see Denham is a very old village although London is beginning to creep around it a bit these days.

The charter to hold a fair was granted in the 15th century, so they've had some practise doing it;

These days the funds raised from the car park and renting out the stalls go to the parish church.
There were some rides to go on, lots of food and even a man on stilts;

There were big, big crowds. 

We caught a jazz band in the churchyard and we ate home made cakes while we listened to them play;

The local beekeepers had a stall and brought with them a glass sided hive to show the bees filling up their honeycomb.

The queen bee is a bit longer and bigger than the drones and here the beekeeper has put a spot of green paint on her back so that we can spot her;


There was an art exhibition from the local art society while among the commercial stalls this artist stood out;

He was painting Ayrton Senna's John Player Special Lotus at full speed in the rain; £3000 if you want it although prints are cheaper.

It looked really good close up and he'd also done Colin McRae's Subaru Rally car fighting through the mud. That looked as though it would crash through the canvas.

The Chiltern Hills Brass band were playing;

I do like a traditional Brass band;

While just behind them you could catch a train;

And inevitably, there was 'Morris Dancing', which is not really my thing;

I've always had the suspicion that it isn't as old as it looks but it was nice that Robyn got a chance to see what it's all about;

Anyway, I had a traditional 'Olde Englishe Paella' and I did enjoy that;

I also enjoyed the veteran cars but I think I'll post those pictures tomorrow.

We had a nice time but I was completely shattered by the time I got home. It was a long time to be on my feet and it was very crowded.

But I made it!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)

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