Friday 28 August 2015

Robyn did it - We're off to Dismaland!

After yesterday I was ready - I knew when the next batch of tickets were due to be released and we were ready at 1000 am.

I opened up three lines just when the tickets came on sale and was all ready to lose it completely when I found I was still unable to work out how to buy anything on the internet.

I sat there watching my screen intently as my three lines were queued up - moving deftly between each one, it became quite fascinating; each one was on a countdown waiting for a place in the queue.

Each time I got near to the top, the countdown started again.


Meanwhile, very quietly, Robyn bought two tickets for next week!

It's really no big deal;

We got tickets!

Apart from anything else, there are some 50 artists contributing to the artistic event of the year;

"Dismaland® boasts three large galleries which together comprise the finest collection of contemporary art ever assembled in a North Somerset seaside town."

It also represents the drive and excitement that surrounds art in the southwest today.
Part of that may come as a result of established artists like Damien Hurst colonising this part of the world because it's 'pretty'.
Actually, the real energy comes from the street; urban, multicultural, radical Bristol which produced 'Massive Attack' in the 1980's. They are playing on the closing night of 'Dismaland' and we may have a go at getting tickets for that as well.
They grew out of 'The Wild Bunch' a rampaging mixture of DJ's, Graffiti Artists and Rappers, which pretty well sums up what Bristol was about.
Banksy himself is local and 'Dismaland' has been one big thank you to the people of the area - low ticket prices and even free tickets for local people on one night.
We are really pleased to have snuck in on the party.
It's going to be radical, rebellious and thought provoking.....just as (in a very small way) this Blog has tried to be.
Why don't you come along and see for yourself next week?
You'll have to be up very early if you're going to come along with us!
Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)

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