I must admit I owe Sydney the Grumpy Cat an apology; the other night she slept on our bed for a couple of hours but made so much noise that all I got was 35 minutes sleep even though I was on my painkillers.
Last night there was no Sydney. I got 45 minutes sleep.
That's an extra ten minutes.
So I think it's not really down to poor old Syd. That being said, we did go out in the afternoon and I managed to get a couple of things done in the next town, which was good.
It hurt quite a lot and when I got home after about an hour, I was out like a light. I was shattered. But I was still functioning.
Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Home: helpmesortoutstpeters.blogspot.com
Contact me: neilwithpromisestokeep@gmail.com
Glad you got out.