Thursday 9 November 2017

My Everest.

Another gruelling day - shopping day.

I got 30 minutes sleep, with the help of my meds. I spent the long hours writhing in pain, alternating with playing a game on my old PSP. Nothing really helped and at 0530 I got up.

In some desperation I got washed and changed straight away, got my stuff, put my trousers on and an hour later collapsed into my chair.

I took painkillers at 0845 but was shattered. I was asleep for a couple of hours and we decided to have lunch before we went to the shop.

More painkillers and driven by Robyn I made it; very slowly and very painfully. Unfortunately I'd wasted so much time that when we got there all the disabled karts had gone and I took a seat by the tills to wait. I was really lucky; someone returned one and the security staff brought it over to me.

By the time I got home I was in agony and, once again, was moving like a slow motion sloth. And I pissed off Robyn who would rather wiz round doing the shopping alone anyway.

But I made it. It's a huge achievement. I may not have summited Everest or run a marathon but for me it's up there.

Tomorrow, the wheels arrive!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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