Thursday, 15 June 2017

No scooter for me.

Shopping day - and although we were late (thanks to me) we got there fine.

The only problem was that when we got to Tesco's, all the disabled scooters had gone. Robyn wanted me to sit it out at the pharmacy but I walked round the shop, without the help of a safety net or painkillers.

Robyn spent the whole time trying to stop me but I made it most of the way round although she did all the work.

I drove home and it's fair to say that it was pretty painful. It's also right to say that I did collapse for the afternoon but I was by no means wrecked like I often have been.

It's puzzling because there's no logic to the pain which comes and goes as it wishes, although I am on my chemotherapy course at the moment and that may have made a difference.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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