Friday 1 December 2017

Just Saying.

Well, Friday came around and I made it to Tesco's, driven by the long suffering Robyn. We even managed to leave an hour earlier than last week although that was mainly because Friday afternoon is a nightmare.

I timed it so that I'd just taken all my painkillers as we left - that didn't really help a lot, I still wasn't over Wednesday's adventure.

I never imagined, even a year ago, that just going to the shop could ever be so painful. Legs like lead, everything that could possibly hurt, hurting.

I didn't drive, Robyn did all the work and by the time I got home I was completely shattered. By midnight, things weren't much better - I don't recover these days.

But I made it!

And all the way through my illness I've always known two things. However bad I feel at any given time, there will come a time when I look back on that as 'the good times'. That's been true all the way through.

Secondly, I knew to be grateful whenever I could make it to do the shopping, or the chores. All the things that bored me when I was well, because I knew there would come a time when all I could wish for was to be able to do the shopping or mow the grass or take a trip to the local dump.

Just saying.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Contact me:

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