Monday 13 October 2014

Last minutes in Paris.

After we failed to get into the Municipal Modern Art gallery (Boo!) we walked to the Arc de Triumph and then the length of the Champs Elyseé, before heading down to the river Seine where we collapsed on seats over looking the islands and Notre Dame.
Then for the evening we headed back up to Ménilmontant to my favourite restaurant, Le Miyanis. Actually I got lost, big time on the way, drawn unconsciously back to Belleville, which I love.

We did make it in the end;

It's Algerian food - Couscous which I had there back in April.
But I didn't try the Algerian Patisserie bouffet back then!

We did this time!

And fabulous mint tea, hot and sweet, sat on the pavement tables as the first leaves of autumn drifted past and the Saturday evening strollers slowly paraded through their part of town.

I could have stayed all night......there was a coach to catch of course.

We headed back to the Place de la Concorde and stood until the very last minute watching the Eiffel Tower lit up and dreaming of never coming back from beautiful Paris.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)

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