Thursday 10 December 2015

Christmas at Windsor.

After half a day at Charing Cross Hospital we went to the movies to see 'Christmas with the Coopers' - a pleasantly funny Christmas tale for grown-ups.

Perhaps the ending was a little too happy for me but then it is Christmas after all.

Afterwards we went out of our way to go home via Windsor to have a look at the lights;

As you can see, my camera was struggling a bit in the dark. They've rigged up a projector to put a light show against one of the towers;

It's an ever changing display of snowflakes, heraldic symbols, sheets of music and royal coats of arms;

It's quite dramatic although royal themes do nothing for me.

Windsor was quiet late at night, the tourists and shoppers tucked up in bed and only a few guests sitting up over a late night drink in the hotels.

There's a Christmas tree too;

A quiet, crisp December night.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)

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