Friday 4 December 2015


It all worked out well in the end, despite going almost two days without seeing Robyn.

Wednesday I had my scan while Robyn was sorting out paperwork at home, then on Thursday while she was at a funeral I had the pipe pulled out of my kidney. The first operation hurt a lot more than I expected while this was nothing. Hurt a bit afterwards but it was fine.

Robyn came to the hospital texting me why aren't you ready/dressed/packed?

She doesn't know the NHS - it moves slowly.

In the end I got my new meds issued, got dressed, got my back brace put on over my scar, gave everyone sweets and 'stuck my big hat on my head'.......and we got a lift home from patient transport!

I couldn't get over the lights, the cars, the noise of it all. Back at home we watched catch up TV on a laptop and it blew my mind - I'd had no TV, no YouTube, no music streaming for a week.

I opened my computer up - it worked! Windows opened , all the documents I tried opened, I could use the web all over more 'Certificate error notices'.

It was really tough, much tougher than I imagined; during the operation I remember thinking that the painkillers weren't working at all. But when I had the tube removed, the Dr also took out my stiches and I'd never realised they ever put any stiches it really was working!

Next week is going to be tough so I have a few short days to get my act together, big time.

Then it's a new fight!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)

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