Sunday, 21 May 2017

Food Porn.

I've been ill again; my back has been bad, for no obvious reason and I've been feeling sick from the Chemotherapy.

Rather than using the anti nausea pills they give me (I get side effects from them too) I've been trying to use what I call  'food Pornography'.

I go onto YouTube and watch celebrity chefs preparing sumptuous and expensive foods in the hope it's going to help me forget that I feel sick.

It works sometimes but not today.

Yesterday Robyn gave me a treat; last year we planted a herb garden in pots by the front door. They have been sat there hibernating over winter. Last night she made me mint tea from the newly sprouted mint - just like we had at 'Le Meyanis', in the Arab Quartier of Paris when we went there for the day three years ago.

Oh the memories a glass of tea brings back.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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