Wednesday 22 November 2017

Making it to Monday.

Don't think for a minute this was a good day! Because it really, really hurt. I made it back to Tesco's.

This is a bad week - I'm back up at Charing Cross Hospital tomorrow and I have no idea how I'm actually going to make it. For comparison, last month I drove u[ there and back and although I had a terrible time I was able to do it. This time I can't do that. I'll be in a wheelchair to start with.

Last week I was too ill to make it to Tesco's and Robyn had to go on her own. Don't imagine I make much of a difference to the whole shopping experience. I make it harder.

Today we intended to go in the morning but I ended getting out of the house at one o'clock. I have no idea what happens tomorrow with an 1100 am appointment.

I managed to walk to the car, somehow got my aching legs in and got out again at the other end. Luckily there was a disabled buggy available and I wizzed around on it. These days that hurts a lot. We paid and somehow I got back into the car. I'm not sure how I got over the front doorstep but I did.

For the rest of the day and the evening I was just out of it.

I've agreed with the hospice that on Friday I'll increase the background level of morphine I take - but it seems to make no difference to me. Everything is just agony. 

Anyway, I'm having a cash flow crisis at the moment. Just got no cash and I'm not well enough to sort it out at the moment. The earliest I can do that is Friday although we are waiting for the right wheelchair to arrive then. Hopefully I can make it to Monday.

Wish me luck!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Contact me:

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