Tuesday, 24 January 2017

A 100.000 thanks to you!

This was nice;

It's been building for the last few weeks and last night we watched the Blog make it to 100,000 views! A big thank you to everyone who took it there.

I won't pretend it hasn't been a struggle because it has - I remember posting a picture onto it from Robyn's mobile phone back in 2015 when I was being transferred by ambulance from the nightmare of Wexham Park Hospital to Charing Cross with my broken back.

It's also been a huge amount of fun and if it hadn't I wouldn't have carried on with it so long.

Apart from anything else it gave me an opportunity to laugh at my own jokes - who could ask for anything more?

Best of all I always said to Robyn that while I thought it might hit 100,000 views I never imagined it would make it there while I was still alive.

So it's a very special thank you and an extra special thanks to those who have stuck with it from the beginning.

A Lotta Continua - The Struggle continues!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Home: helpmesortoutstpeters.blogspot.com
Contact me: neilwithpromisestokeep@gmail.com

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