Sunday, 22 January 2017

It turns out my car is a Trump supporter.

On Saturday, after a lot of huffing and puffing, we got ready to go up to London to join the 'Womens march', in solidarity with the women marching against Trump in Washington D.C. and for equal rights.

Actually, I'm in no state to have done the march - we were going to join them at Trafalgar Square.

It has been bitterly cold and when I got into the car it gave a quiet weeze and a burp and all was quiet.

When the AA man came he did briefly argue with me that the battery was alright until he checked again.

I got charged up and made my way very gingerly to buy a new battery - which cost me a fortune!

So unfortunately and all because my car turns out to be a Trump supporter, we didn't make it to the march but watched it on T.V.

Hopefully, now a fightback begins.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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