I went to Shirley's birthday party - her husband Billy died of my cancer last year, so there's a bit of a bond. I knew Billy to talk to for many years.
Shirley live two houses along from us, so we walked, very slowly. I was in a lot of pain. I stayed for a couple of hours, surrounded by Shirley's family, lots of kids running about and babies gurgling.
It was nice to be around people; noisy, chatty, happy people full of life.
As I said I lasted for a couple of hours and then Robyn walked me home before she went back. Although all I really did was sit in a comfy chair it was very painful. But I did, as they say, make a bit of an effort.
Back home I listened to the football commentary on the radio - Tottenham were losing their game to Chelsea, which was painful in a different kind of way.
Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Home: helpmesortoutstpeters.blogspot.com
Contact me: neilwithpromisestokeep@gmail.com
I'm glad you got out and enjoyed the company of others.