Wednesday 10 December 2014

Shopping for Shoes; Lisa Milroy 2003

 You wouldn't expect me to spend a day at Charing Cross Hospital without going on and on about the art displays provided by The Imperial College Healthcare Charity Art Collection?
This is Lisa Milroy's 2003 piece; 'Shopping for Shoes'.
It's like a 'storyboard' or even a strip of film from the movies.
Here's one of the individual 'cells';
 It's really charming.
It's just someone who obviously likes.....buying shoes;
 I could go on and on about it but I guess the point is that in a hospital where tragedy and sadness is all around you, it's really nice to be reminded of the ordinary, simple pleasures of life;
As I was leaving I spotted another canvas by the same artist but I'll do that one next month!
Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)

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