Wednesday 14 September 2016

Grumpy Neil has a cold.

I am really, really grumpy. I've got a cold.

I know, I know......but when you're on chemotherapy it's serious. I spent last night taking my temperature every hour because once it goes over or under some red lines you have to get yourself to hospital - quick.

Of course, it went over the top.

I decided to take some paracetamol and wait it out. Who wants to spend the night at A and E?

In the end it came down.

But the real reason I'm fed up is that we were due to get up early today and have a big day out - like a summer holiday but just a day.

We knew the weather was going to be good for days....we were just waiting for today to come. We were definitely going to the coast, have a picnic, have some fun.

Because tomorrow I'm back at hospital and, if all goes well, on Friday there's another dose of Chemo. Not exactly fun.

Now I'm not so sure - certainly I didn't get up at all early.

We'll see how the morning goes.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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