Thursday, 18 January 2018

Blood pressure.

Oh that was a tough day - everything went wrong. The day before I go up to Charing Cross Hospital, which isn't going to be fun at all.

I had a bad night, which isn't unusual. I had the pleasure of the District Nurse coming round to change the dressing on my poor old leg. I'll spare you the other details.

Then Robyn had to go to Tesco's alone, which I think she prefers but it upset me.

She picked up my prescription from the Doctors - they gave me stuff I haven't requested because I didn't need it. They gave me stuff I didn't need urgently because I have a months supply left. They gave me the morphine patches which are a controlled drug and need security and I/D.

But they didn't give me my blood pressure pills which I'm running out of and need desperately. Robyn phoned them for me and I think we've got it sorted now, although it means an extra trip to the Doctors and the pharmacist, which she doesn't need.

It's enough to give you blood pressure.

I had a rough evening too but that's is far too sordid to talk about.

Wish me luck for tomorrow, I'll need it.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Contact me:

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