Saturday, 13 January 2018

Ouch again!

I'm afraid I've been out of it for the last two days - lots of pain, no sleep at nights. It's been tough.

Today was another Christmas though, the District Nurse sorted out a delivery of a new cushion for me, which may help. These aren't just any old cushions, they cost a fortune and make things much more comfortable. And I may be able to use the old one, which wasn't mine in the first place and was all worn out.

I've been throwing stuff out - I've been a hoarder all my life and far too late, have come to the realisation that all this stuff needs to be sorted out and thrown out. It's something I can do even when I'm in pain.

And I need to find the paper file I need to write my article and that's going to take some archaeological digging so that I can find it.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Contact me:

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