Friday, 26 January 2018

Pysio Friday.

I had a visit today from a very helpful physiotherapist. I've spent a lot of time with physio's in the recent past and they've always been helpful and I've always followed their advise. This time I was just feeling pretty low and hurting a lot, so I didn't feel able to do a lot, I'm leaving it a day or two to start off on this one.

I still have hopes the exercises will help with my legs and mobility when I'm able to start doing them.

Meanwhile, I was out of it again today. It's funny, a week ago I was up at hospital and not feeling so bad. Things deteriorated quite quickly after that although it may just be the effort of getting there twice in three days.

Better news soon, I hope.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)

Contact me:

1 comment:

  1. Neil I've been suffering from spasticity all winter and moving really slowly. I started physical therapy 3 weeks ago and it is VERY PAINFUL. But, although I'm sure I am slowly starting to get better. I just told a friend today, I'm moving better but sore as hell. In time the pain will fade and I'll be moving much much better.
