Sunday, 28 January 2018

Come on The Eagles!

I had a slightly easier day today - less pain for no obvious reason. I didn't do a lot although I got some writing done.

Unfortunately, I'm running out of the easier bits and find the prospect of researching Nuclear Power and Leukaemia (hope I'm not giving too much away there) quite tough.

I also did a fair amount of sleeping and had some memories of a week ago yesterday when I was in agony a week ago when I went up for my blood transfusion.

It's good to be thinking about serious things again when too much of life is centered about just surviving from one day to the next.

Robyn is still having a very tough time putting up with me, although she is getting very excited about the forthcoming appearance of what I believe are called The Philadelphia Eagles, who are playing in The Superbowl next weekend.

I have major problems with American Football, which at its worst seems to be a bit like Rugby, which I've never enjoyed and nothing remotely like our Football, which is just the best.

I fear I'm going to have to become an Eagles fan for the next week, or I'm in real trouble.

Neil Harris
a don't stop till you drop production)
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