Wednesday, 24 January 2018

January, January.

I must admit that January is getting me down and it's not just the cold weather, the rain and general greyness of everything....I'm struggling. I have multiple problems these days and none of them ever seem to get any better.

I'm amazed that Robyn is still putting up with me. Today she sent me a very nice picture through e-mail, which I'm not going to share with you. But it was a kind thing to do.

And it cheered me up a lot.

I'm trying to find the fight I used to have in me, which is somehow not such an easy thing these days as it once was.

On the other hand, I just don't feel like giving up until I have to, even though I've had to surrender a lot of things already.

Then again, I'm not sure how much I'm looking forward to February either!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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