Wednesday 28 February 2018

Angry about a TV show.

One of the TV programmes I didn't watch this week was about the world's most xpensive hotels. There is an immoralityAbout this kind of ostentatious luxury I can't stand. It's not just me that doesn't like it either. My old friend Pete always used to say that the poorest countries in the world always had the most expensive and luxurious hotels.

And I'm afraid it's true. You can be staying in the most poverty stricken third world country and yet living in ostentatious luxury.

Maybe you can understand why I didn't feel the need for a glossy travelogue about millionaires luxury holidays, which Is what the holiday show was about.

And no, I'll never be able to afford these kind of places for myself and I'm very happy with that.

Pete was right.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production\)

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