Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Getting ready for tomorrow.

I took it real easy today - tomorrow I'm up at Hospital and not looking forward to that or to the journet. There's always the possibility these days that they will keep me in. That's even worse.

Robyn did the shopping on her own, which is very sad for me - another chip away at my independence. In fact, I haven't been out of the house since I had my blood transfusions about three weeks ago, so tomorrow is going to be very tough.

Tonight, Robyn cooked me a very  special meal, just in case I start the new and last chemo because then I won't be wanting to eat anything. I felt very privileged.

These last couple of years have been very tough. If we ever had any plans it would have been to take advantage of the chemotherapy when it started, got married and gone on some travels, had some fun. Well, we just about managed to get married but all the chemotherapy treatments disappointed and we couldn't really do anything. I deteriorated fast and it's been a battle since then. I haven't given up the battle but I have slowed right down.

As I said, tough day tomorrow, wish me luck.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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