Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Tough day.

Now today was a real struggle - I had a bad night which I wasn't expecting as well as a really painful day. I also had the joy of a visit from the District Nurse to change my dressings and that's quite a wearing process.

Then Robyn went out for a walk and I discovered that I'd lost my wedding ring. When we bought it I chose a ring that was far too small because I knew I'd be losing weight. But it's got worse and we've put a thing on it to make it tighter already.

So, I was hunting around for the darned thing and getting Robyn to look for it when she got home. In the end I found it, slipped  down the side of my chair but I was exhausted in the process and the pain just went on.

Now it's late at night and I'm worn out, preparing a cocktail of painkillers to get through the night.

This is going to be a very tough week.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Home: helpmesortoutstpeters.blogspot.com
Contact me: neilwithpromisestokeep@gmail.com

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