Thursday 30 April 2015

Caffé Nero, Egham.

So, after my big adventure to the Doctors I was full of plans; what I'd do, where I'd go.

Then I got up the next morning and was in agony again.

Anyway, I'd promised myself I wasn't going backwards so we were going out for a coffee......whatever.

When I got to Egham (about 3 miles away) I was in quite a bit of pain and we couldn't park anywhere near the café. We went for  drive and then came back.

I didn't realise how long I'd been away; I came out of hospital 2 weeks ago, I was in for 10 days and before that I wasn't able to move about anywhere for some time.

Was I really away so long?

If you've read this for any time you'll know that I didn't have broadband and used to go to Caffé Nero for the Net and to get away from the troubles of caring for someone.

A lot of this Blog came out of that café or the research I did there.

When I first got ill and when I was briefly stabilised I'd research articles in Caffé Nero, when I should have been travelling the world.

And now they changed it all! How could they do that - I only turned my back for a nanosecond and it's been rebuilt!

It seems like in the last 6 months all the places I valued have changed.

And yes, I am being grumpy about it because it's not just the last few years; there are a couple of my ghosts there too as well as other memories.

It's all the more sad because now we have broadband the café will never quite mean as much to me as it did once.

And it really HURT to get there.

Tomorrow we're going shopping, now that is going to sting.

It's all part of the build up to my big trip next week.

Neil Harris

(a don't stop till you drop production)


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