Sunday 5 April 2015

Double Ouch!


I did it again. Poor Robyn.

I was ill for thanksgiving, my Mum was ill for Christmas. Just when Easter looked safe my back decided to die on me.

I pretty much collapsed with pain and only just made it the few paces back to the armchair where I sat in agony for about 15 hours.

Oh, let me tell you I'm good with pain. I normally laugh at pain.

Not this time.

After sitting in an armchair all night I eventually phoned the emergency Doctor service. Luckily I was right in my decision not to go to Accident and Emergency. If I'm honest the bumpy trip in an ambulance, the 4 hours waiting and then being told to take a taxi home on a bank holiday adds up to about 8 hours of agony and nothing to show for it.

If I'd needed an operation there probably wouldn't have been anyone to do it for me; it's Easter, of course.

The Doctor has prescribed me some particularly frightening painkillers and I've managed to ruin Robyn's Easter for her.

If I can get my operation sorted out (and that means if I can ever make it to hospital) I'm sure this Blog will get back to something like it's old self.

In the meantime the Easter Bunny got cancelled.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till the really strong painkillers wear off)


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