Sunday 26 April 2015

Push it baby.

In the interests of acclimatising our new broadband (the instructions told us to do it honestly) I'm maxing out on Youtube and doing lots of the things I'd have loved to do but never had the opportunity or didn't have the money when it mattered.

I went skiing!

Now that really was something I should have done. It looked every bit as good as people say it is.

I went Stockcar racing and Gokarting. Wow!

This morning I canoed down white water rapids, climbed the 'Bugaboo' mountains with The Harvard Mountaineering club' and then, finally, I summited Mount Everest.

That's something I would never have been able to do (scared of heights) but when I got cancer I did have ambitions to walk to base camp and that would have been a real achievement in itself.

Unfortunately, while I was well enough I couldn't get away.

All of this is possible now thanks to 'GoPro', a small camera and drive about half the size of a mobile phone but thicker.

You can mount it on your helmet or stick it in a car or on a
bike and it just records everything as though you were there.

All you have to do is think of the biggest adventure you can and search Youtube for it with the word 'GoPro' added and some kind person will have posted it up for you.


I've been having my own adventures too - this morning has been agony so I'm paying for it.

Yesterday I did the washing up - actually it was just two dishes but it seemed a lot more. An achievement because Robyn has to do everything for me.

Then in the afternoon, Robyn took me to the car and I was able to get into the passenger seat, close the door and put on the safety belt.

It's a huge achievement - I have to be able to get about and there's no hospital transport to pick me up because
I'm living out of the area.

It's huge!

Unfortunately, I knew it would be painful when I went to bed and it was. I also knew I'd pay for it this morning when I got up - it was agony.

Anyway, one of the nurses at Charing Cross warned me that on the good days I should hold back (Doh! As if!)
and on the bad days I should push myself. So we'll have to see about that today!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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